Stay Healthy on your Safari in uganda or Rwanda

Stay Healthy on your Safari
Everyone’s dream and wish while on a safari or even going on a safari to Africa  is to stay health before, during and after the safari. By staying health during a safari doesn’t only involve wish full thing but it also needs one to put in some effort to achieve that objective. Thus taking some basic healthy precautions while in Uganda or Rwanda  for that gorilla and wildlife safari IMG_3993

that joy booked months and months ago. We all know that with different in the environment and climate one prone to suffer from various stomach upsets, and other medical conditions. However with a lot of care, determination and remaining highly cautious; one will be able to reduce the health risks associated with these conditions.But to achieve a positive result one must follow some guidelines that will able him to reduce on the risks of getting sick while there safari;

• First visit a travel clinic at least 3 months prior to your safari to make sure that you’re in good health to travel.
• Make sure that all your vaccination shots are up to date and if not update them immediately.

• Always be aware that hotels used are safe with high standards of food hygiene and only clean water is used for ice and washing salads, but it will not cost you to first inquire.

• Avoid tap or sink water when brushing teeth or even opening your mouth in the shower, consume only Bottled water served by the driver or service providers with the lid sealed.

• Double the water intake in your body since your body is not used to this heat and altitude. Also allow your body to adjust in this heat in order to ovoid dehydration.

• Since your stomach is not used to the special African spices, dishes and cooking, don’t consume cold food and left over’s.
• In case of a health condition no matter how minor one might think, you are highly advised to visit a doctor at the hospital in steady of buying counter medicine.

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