Surprisse!!! Going on Rwanda gorilla trekking Tour !!!

IMG_0418[1]Surprisse!!! Going on Rwanda gorilla trekking Tour !!! There are surprises and then there are …… Big surprises, like when a son accepts to pay off fully complementally gorilla trekking holiday package to  his parents this would be one of the life time dream memories to the parents,as more than thousand people in the world would be excited of seeing these great apes in the African  jungle, but finally one would ask him self, how to go gorilla trekking in Africa, this would be the great question of the day to every body who wish to go gorilla trekking, this is what happens on Rwanda gorilla tour
After acquiring the gorilla pass $750 in Rwanda (Volcanopes N/park), $600 uganda (Bwindi impenetrable forest) and $460 Congo virunga national park, a short briefing will be given to you by your guides this would give every one an overview of hike; interaction with gorillas etc..then you get introduced to your group of friendly guides, rangers and Sherpas these are so friendly, fun and knowledgeable. normally the distribution of the gorilla group is done that very day of the gorilla trek, and gorilla permit is only valid for single day, in case one wants to change his/her date of trekking, $150 fee is charges as transfer fee, but this only works on condition that you’re transferring your gorilla permit to future date but in case one wants his permits to be back dated , this may not be possible as there might be no space on any of those dates, always its advisable to double confirm your flights to Rwanda before securing the gorilla permit.The system  of trekking is that  , people with disabilities, Elderly people, people with flights,people who trekked the previous day,  normally go for short walk,and those who looks strong , normally go for long trek, in Rwanda the furthest gorilla group is Ssusa group, this requires a maximum of 2 hours driving from kinigi briefing point to get to the starting point of the trek on the edge of Virunga and Volcanoes national park, who who wish to go on this trek must be in good shape, as this trek can be challenging some times. while You begin hike always at about 9am. At this time the sun is just starting to creep up over the lush mountains surrounding you. Normally the first portion of the hike takes you through beautiful green fertile farmlands, elderly people go in front of the queue and  strong people behind the group this done just to keep walking pace of the group members  and you watch as the farmers work the fields as you pass through on your way towards the towering dormant volcano looming ahead of you , it’s peak seemingly reaching through the clouds and into the heavens… you finally reach the mountain/volcano and begin the hike/climb up to the gorilla family with whom you would be trekking for the day. Bear in mind this is not a casual hike, it is quite steep and will pose a challenge for anyone not in decent shape so prier training might be required those who cant make it, are always offered an opportunity to be carried up and down the mountain this service is arranged for an extra fee of $300.. clients are basically put into a makeshift stretcher and with the help of your Sherpas carry the passenger up the mountain…you’re always being escorted with armed gun men, these are to keep you safe and to chance other animals you might encounter on the way, such as Buffalo, and forest elephants.some times Duikers, The hike up takes you through thick green foliage/branches/leaves etc. I highly recommend: Hiking boots, long thick pants, long sleeve shirts, safari hats ,sunglasses.gloves, sunshine cream, a walking stick, Packed lunch box, drinking water at least 3 bottles each person and porter, just to curry your bag and to allow you walk freely,After about hours of hiking, your guide will tell you to hand over your backpacks and drinks to the Sherpas who will wait at a designated meeting point and you continue for a few more minutes and encounter the Patriarch of the family you are visiting. The silverback is a magnificent 500lb silverback. You have to seat several feet from him(7metres) and observe them normally for 1 hour but you keep on walking following them though some times you may walk bit higher to encounter a matriarch with a babies hanging on their back while climb up a tree, you may see several young gorillas and a few black backs race .you just watch in amazement as this raw whirlwind of nature in the wild took place all around you get to spend spent the rest of your time observing the family and following them as they climbed the terrain swinging from the vines etc.. you will be amazing into complete silence and watche them interact with one another.. Much to your dismay, after quite some time up to begin your hike back down the mountain.. you take the last photographs and observe these amazing creatures for a few more minutes and begin y our hike down the mountain.. The way down is significantly easier and quicker than the way up.. Also more fun because apparently the gorillas move down the mountain as the day progresses , after procceding to your park head office to award the certificate of excellence , after all this, guides  and porters are   recommended to be tipped, though there’s no standard tipping policy but the official fee to porters is $15 each but you’re free to give him an extra $5or 10 as tip depending on your choice. while the guide to gorillas these are normally 2 guides who goes with you during the trek, these people are advised to be given a tip of $20 from each couple or member and since you’re 8 pax in the group this would make them to get  a reasonable amount from the group, am sure the small tip you give them takes a small fraction from your saving but it may change the lives of many people within the gorilla territory. .and this marks the end of your gorilla trek. more information Email: +256774819223

By Billy Ssali (

Specialist Tour guide: Rwanda and Uganda