Seeing the mountain gorillas on the planet earth would be every body’s bucket gorilas are only and only restricted to 3, countries being Uganda ,Rwanda and congo though Congo is much better blessed to have both options possible that is low land gorillas extremely fortunate to be able to watch them in their natural habitat at a relatively close distance and mountain gorillas in the sekenkwe gorilla orphanage(.. It’s also home to the world’s only refuge for Mountain Gorillas that have been orphaned by poachers or traffickers. Currently, there are 6 young gorillas who are cared for by the staff at Virunga .
Gorilla trekking experience would involve acquiring gorillapass worth $600 while gorilla habituation requires a gorilla pass at $1500. Not only this the habituation experience is only and only restricted to 4 pax in a group this would be an added advantage to have enough space in taking pictures and roaming around for good photograph taking and observation.
The habituation exercise is restricted to 2gorilla groups only found in the southern Bwindi sector bishaho and kashinji with 4 hours spend with the gorillas The gorilla permit in (high season) is US$ 600. While in Low season its at $450 There are 8 people allowed per day (one hour with the gorilla group),while in the Gorilla habituation experience its $1500 throughout the entire year, The track can be long, both exercise the track starts at one of the park headquarters, depending on where the gorillas was last spotted the previous day. Unlike on the gorilla trek , where the price is set at $600 but the $1500 fee for the habituation exercise is Compensated with some $$ saved on the what would be the extra night spent to do the second gorilla trek and other fees paid for the drivers allowances and extra fuel.
Habituation is Only restricted to 2 groups that is 8 paxs , 4 paxs for each group while the gorilla trekking exercise is very open to more than 12 gorilla groups with about 92 people go to see gorillas on a busy day or high season, yet the habituation exercise is just limited to 8 paxs for the whole day.there’s nothing interesting. Especially the juvenile and the infant are very playful and curious, and can get very close if something catches their attention this is all possible while on the habituation exercise . The experience of seeing these fascinating animals in their natural habitat is indescribable! Its worth a penny to see thee gorillas. There’s a juvenile and a baby wrestling and with the other members nearby eating the vegetation is a daily routine in the gorilla territory.

Both gorilla habituation and trekking, the park, the staff a just as great! The rangers gives you  an excellent trek, aiding you  to have the best experience with the gorillas. The gorillas are awesome to watch. The adults just sleep the most of the  time, but the young ones puts on quite a show for you.  rangers go ahead to locate the gorillas & radio to your guide. as the rangers too chops a path for you thru the forest to get to them.
How ever both exercise abound by the uniformity rules .that are given after a briefing in English about wearing a mask around the gorillas, Not feeding the gorillas, staying 8 meters away, not making eye contact, and crouching down if you feel threatened.



The where a bouts of the missing gorilla groups in Rwanda and Uganda??


Gorilla trekking in the world is known by almost half the population in the world, as only and only being done in the Virunga mountains known as the Mikeno sector , ( Virunga national park, Volcanoes national park, mgahinga national park and Bwindi impenetrable forest) its among the awesome adventure vacation safaris to participate in before one dies .gorilla trekking and habituation is done daily  being tourist present or not, its continuous participation, gorilla groups are given names to those few individuals to  died in the process of habituating the mountain gorillas and in process , gorillas groups emerged names for those people just in the process of remembering them,  Normally the name is derived from the head silverback I the group that lead the entire group. Though the group might have many black backs. With time some gorilla groups have disappeared in presence though they have remained in the travel guide books.

These mountain gorillas have lived there since time memorial  but currently its not known these missing gorilla groups disappeared from though their remain still appear in many guide books ,

Bwenje:this group had 12 individuals in the group with one silver back and other black backs plus young ones .his group used t be among the best gorilla family but the death of the silverback  4 month  ago the remained female gorillas went to join  Gushimira and Mafuuto group making these groups bigger  than before.

Ugenda, This group had 10 individuals the dominant ugenda silver buck led the group further inside the virunga and ended up to Congo side though some members went to join the wild gorilla groups into the virunga mountains.

Wageni: this group had 2 silver back due to continuous fight that took place between the 2 silver buck, over female ownership, some families went join other gorilla families  leaving ugenda s no more in existence. this group used to be located on the same side with  Kwamuchechuru parking/

Kulyama: This is among the oldest gorilla trekking groups   that comprised of 15 gorilla individuals but due to natural factors, this group disappeared on the ground  though remain in the history of guide books, and within the minds of those who have ever trekked this awesome gorilla group.gorillas being a trans boundary resource, this group went to Congo  but the name was retained into Rwandas books  so that once its back again the same name will be retained by the group.

Nyakagezi.This group got its name far back in 20011 when it was first habituated by Uganda wildlife authority, the group has 9 members with 5 silver bucks ,3 females and 1 juvenile these gorillas lies on the bamboo zone between mount gahinga and muhabula, sme times they share the same territory with the golden monkeys ,that’s where they  keep on moving within the vicinity of the jungle,this groug  had moved to Rwanda since 2009 until 2011 when it found its way back to mgahinga national park. The group is now open for public viewing/ trekking, Nature creates the difference and this accounts the different price discrimination charged to those who wish to acquire a gorilla pass in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. Gorilla trekking is really an awesome life time luxury expenditure which not every one can afford irrespective of daily currying capacity of 8 members per group .

The Blatant Difference Between Gorilla Trekking And Gorilla Tracking

There are two words that are used simultaneously in gorilla expeditions in anticipation to mean the same but when in actual sense these two words are different however minimal the difference might be. These two words are gorilla trekking and gorilla tracking. So this work is intended to thoroughly exhaust the blatant difference between these two words for those interested in visiting Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mgahinga National Park and Volcanoes National Park on how often to use these words interchangeably. Gorilla trekking and tracking basically come into play when one talks about mountain gorillas in one of the above mentioned national park. So the difference between gorilla trekking and gorilla tracking lies with who does what.
When one talks about gorilla trekking whether in Uganda or Rwanda, it basically means following mountain gorillas. This involves a group of tourists who are briefed on gorilla etiquette and safety before they go on the gorilla trekking trail to hike hills and beat the bush trying to maneuver, follow and find a given family of mountain gorillas. Tourists are always guided by an official guide from Uganda Wildlife Authority in Uganda or Rwanda Development Board for the sake of Rwanda. It is this trained guide that will lead the group of tourists to where the gorillas will be and the anxiety will probably go away when you finally come face to face with the gorillas . During gorilla trekking, the guide will definitely do his work of identifying other animals, birds and trees to make the journey or trek enjoyable.but it make this much more of fun its better if one goes for double gorilla trek where you can do gorillas mixing a ‘medium’ and ‘easy’ difficulty hike to have a feeling of both experience . your guide  will always be in touch with gorilla trackers or what we call the advanced team who will keep on directing him to where a given gorilla family will be at that particular moment. The fact that gorillas leave in mountainous or hilly areas, they have to trek or hike to find them this would be walking through potato fields  hence the term gorilla trekking.
Gorilla tracking can be used to mean gorilla trekking but in the actual sense, gorilla tracking means trying to find a given habituated mountain gorilla family. Gorilla trackers/advanced team/rangers use many signs and methods to trace these gorillas before gorilla trekking takes place. These rangers wakeup very early every morning to hit the forest in search for these mountain gorillas. They use natural means to track them other than using the GPS system. Once they find them, then they will communicate to the park headquarters and its then that gorilla trekking will then follow.
The second difference between gorilla trekking and gorilla tracking is that gorilla tracking is done by organized  rangers encounter while on the process of trekking to find these giant apes into their natural habitat accompanied by escorted firm arms that would scare away any dangerous animals that you would meet  or the advanced group using several methods to find gorillas this would be use of advanced group that leaves early to go into the jungle to keep monitoring the gorillas until the actual parties gets there to spend their one hour with the gorillas, this process is continuous throughout the year. and then once found, gorilla trekking will then follow. This does not however rule out the fact that when tracking gorillas, rangers also trek or hike hills to find them. Thus the difference between these words is minimal and one word can be used to mean the other.hence making this once a life time experience, but trekkers are advised to have good preparation of what to bring including gaiters which only do a simple job only to mitigate nettles and serious mud that you would go through just in case .To me as Billy Ssali, i would say personally “Gorillas are awesome!”