“What an INCREDIBLE experience!!!” (Billy ssali) on top of Nyiragongo


IMG_0814IMG_0792There’s nothing more wonderful than spending a whole night out in the bush, where the usual parameters of space and time become almost artificial, I am extremely happy to write in this expedition trail  experiences  through Nyiragongo trekking expedition. I feel that if Steve and Eileen  were not there to back me I would not have had the opportunity of seeing such beautiful sense of nature seeing Billy on top of Nyiragongo was my life time dream, the hike is a bit challenging but its worth a penny,I would strongly advise you to take advantage of the porters and walking stick (cost only a few dollars) – who will not only carry your bag, water but also are there as a helping hand when the walk/hike gets tricky. It is best to wear long sleeves, long trousers, long socks or gators and gloves as there are fire ants, stinging nettles and mud. Any walking shoes will suffice; I just used my sneakers.It’s worth it! In total we walked for about 6-7hours to get to the top The jungle is the last part and it is thick and it was slippery with 2002 eruption Volcanic stones, but its  manageable though maximum fitness is required , this would be a perfect match to combine nyiragong and Visiting the only mountain gorillas in Virunga park as it would partly gives you an added opportunity to see both the low land and mountain gorillas in the sekwenkwe gorilla orphanage home actually this would be “Best Wildlife Experience on the Planet Earth “in my own opinion and observation I would say its bsolutely Amazing!to find your self on board on this trekking to the only remaining active volcanoes on the African soils, the terrain is a bit challenging and to Billy’s attitude because I had not done any prior to the trekking. I think to those of you who would wish to go any time , please have it in mind that hiking Nyiragongo is as hard as giving birth to a baby though the happiness only comes to you when you actually make it to the top, once one falls in love with adventure, I would say it becomes  a full time job as after one trip you feel theres anew destination on your bucket list to visit. And during this type of adventure, you may not miss the activity but you miss the memories , Nyiragongo is Amazing its one of the best treks I’ve ever done. the view is incredible. For sure I’ll never forget it, the only challenge is that you will have to cope with group. My group was comprised of mixed people some in their twenties and others in their 50s elderly people would always find it a bit challenging to hike on the same pace, wishing to have the same experience in congo while on a Congo Safari with Gorilla expeditions?

IMG_0901If you have mobility issues it would be impossible. Footing can be tricky at times thus I recommend everyone have practice bore you go. But the hike is worth the $250 permit fee the group travels at the pace of the slowest person, and there are four designated break points but  extra breaks if you need them can be accepted. Though its advisable to have packed lunch or to book the full board hiking bag organize by mikeno lodge its $80 but worth it in the bag, If you stay at Mikeno Lodge, you can ask them to provide a backpack for for you , it has to be booked the day before . They pack plenty of snacks, sandwiches, lots of waterand a large poncho, a sleeping bag, a warm t-shirt, a fleece, a baselayer,. There’s also room left to stuff an extra clothes and a few other things. You can also hire a porter to carry $20 payable in US bills dated after 2006. I was very glad I chose to hire the porter, and it provides a good income for the local people.thus allowing me to have plenty of time to take photographs and breath taking  moments, the  stand bye  chef, who takes care of you throughout the entire time you spend on the Mountain,  normally nothing  you  need to worry about as the porter will be there at an additional fee of $20 and hiking stick is at $5 of course you need to have something for the tip.life on the top of a volcanoThe lava lake itself is spectacular.

IMG_0642The shelters at the top are built in the old cabinsversion and being wooden ,They are small  with a frame platforms with mattresses. Some have missing doors.on the volcano, there a only 10 wooden cabin which have to be shared among those in the group, so its much advisable to have iPod headsets to plug into your ears since some members that , you may share the cabin with may have goodnightsnoring issues, Also the bathroom is challenging to get to. There is a rope placed down the slippery steep rock slope to assist you.so you have to hold yourself onto it down and up so if its night hours , its challenging to find your way both ways. our descending was simple a just had to be sure on my knees but I finally made it back to kibati, to have our ride back to,I would strongly recommend this adventure life time experience to every one to feel like spending  “Another Day in the African Bush“as i say bye bye to Virunga National Park, till another time!

By (ACTIVE AFRICAN VACATIONS) the leading escorted tour operator in the Eastern Africa  Uganda Rwanda and North kivu Congo DRC  .+256774819223

Self drive safari – a quick summary with do’s and don’ts while on road trip through Uganda and Rwanda.

Having done multiple road tripping adventures across the African soils Through the country of thousand hills and Uganda in particular  Self Drive FAQ and to make you enjoy the life time African safari..

Kamapala Excellent  accommodation are widely spread acrossmost tourist areas Self drive Uganda normally gives you  the car are extremely helpful with advice and support.


Where possible I would recommend to Use a GPS and download Tracks 4 Africa or Tom Tom gps have latest  maps with clear navigation systems that don’t only show main roads abut also small roads are shown . It really helps finding your way around

Also, you may acquire a Ugandan and Rwanda road map just to give you supplementary information  or any maps you think you might need like the safari eye magazine . these a beautiful map that would be grateful and a great.

Prior information from your agent whom you booked the car If possible ask for information and helpfulness to you  to be spot on dont hesitate to ask ask other guides as they may direct you to the  best choice for animal locations, turn offs, scenic routes, dangerous road spots, and many other.

Before leaving home, obtain a International Driving Permit. presented this at many Police checkpoints and never have any issue. A smile, a joke and on your way you go.

Driving the 4×4 Toyota Rav4  or 4×4 Landcruiser off the unbitten trails is OKif you get a lecture from the (self drive Uganda staff   )about Park protocols/road rules, and then it is, “on your way “

Do seek help from the guides at the National Park gates. Signing in, paying, activating the permit, completing the permit, signing out, are done in different places/lineups/queues. They are happy to help.


The  roads are rough, the roughest (as in corrugations) that you may  have ever seen. The car drives like it is on ice, dust is everywhere, and you have to totally concentrate on your driving without neglecting the spead limit 40km/hr in national parks while 80km/hr on major highways . It’s ironic, that the 4WD tracks in the NP’s are better than the main road.

Police checkpoints are numerous they mostly check for vehicle conditions and tires or third party insurance . Don’t  moan or speak harshly as they may look friendly to you.

Don’t expect to find every animal in the catalog its better you take the drive at your own pace, its better not to be aggressive on the game drive  You probably won’t

Don’t try and keep up with Ugandan  driver guides  or Rwanda drivers while in a kagera national park – they drive like madmen and very crazy.

Don’t expect the Ugandan or Rwandan  drivers/guides to give you front spot at a animal sighting – they won’t. They will sit on a spot until their colleague turns up, then edge out letting their mate in – grrr, must be something to do with them trying to satisfy paying their customers .dont miss the African  lifetime ambition. With this advance information your  trip has it all – the uniqueness, the wilderness, the spectacular scenery animals and terrain- unique, but I’d say a one timer. You have to go, but could be compared with your local Zoo. Dropping of the plateau into the picnic area near the hippo pool at the back of the Crater and finding 50 – 80 safari vehicles there,  all is found on the Africa safari