How much are Gorilla permits. Apes in Rwanda or Uganda ?

This is the normal question of the day to every  individual or group traveler to Rwanda.or Uganda. The price and final total cost of gorilla trekking cost  begins all the way from what the naigbbouring or competitiveness  costs from the competing countries of the same blands,  ranging from flight fares/ accommodation cost, the actual $750 Rwanda side , 600 Uganda   on top of these we have add on the extra fixed costs don the trip like transport and accommodation these determine the final gorilla trekking cost. In case one books a tour through an inbound tour operator would lead to lower gorilla cost while one prepares a gorilla safari, one needs to have an over view of the safari in areas of accommodation, tips, driver/transport on top of other costs not only this but the duration of the trip also matters  is another aspect to look into while planning a trip to see the mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.

Uganda charges 600USd on every gorilla permits issued in the month of January, February, March.June, July august , September  and October while in November , April and may, gorilla permits are at discounted rate of $450 it’s a promotional price to boost tourism in those months where tourist arrivals is low.

In Rwanda the price is uniform for gorilla permits cost all year around , be it new years eve , Christmas time and Easter day. Its just matter of booking your permit in advance and Rwanda made it simplified, in case one want to do an extra activity at the park by allowing payment by visa credit card. This form of payment in reality created more feeling of comfortably and safer for allowing the tourist to move without bulky cash.  On top of that , there’s no additional 3% sir charge on visa payments as other hotel do. There for the cost of gorilla tour becomes pocket friendly in one way or the other.

Uganda offers gorilla habituation experience in this case the cost of gorilla habituation ticket is much more expensive and it cost $1200 where one stays 4 hours with gorillas viewing and filming, compared to the normal gorilla trekking where you only stay an hour with the gorillas the cost of see in the gorillas is more different.

In the family of apes we also look into chimpanzees, where Rwanda chimpanzee offers chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe forest part of Cyamudongo forest extension. Those who trekking this chimpanzees,

requires an advance booking so that you’re counted among those who will go trekking on specific date and time so that you’re guide is reserved the day before your trekking chimpanzee, permit cost $90Its also planning to open up a new place in the Biswati national park, this is the youngest national park in Rwanda as its just 5 months old . the chances of seeing chimpanzees in this area is still low compared to Nyungwe forest. Since chimps in this areas still lack more habituation training.

Uganda offers a number of chimpanzee trekking places where one can actually go to see chimpanzee in their natural habitat among these place much as the places are many, but there’s price variation in the rates as bellow.

Chimpanzee cost while trekking in Kibale forest national park is $150 while if one is going for habituation, its $220and habituation means one will spend full day with the chimps and requires you to be at the park head office as early as 12:00Am when the chimps are still in their nest until evening when they are making their next night nests. While trekking is just normal walking following the chimps trails and after meeting them, only stay with them for few hours may be 1-2 hours and you’re back .  . another area where to see chimps in Uganda is Budongo forest the cost of viewing the chimps is $90 per person ,

Kyambura Gorge/Queen Elizabeth national park, this gorge is located in the  middle of  queen Elizabeth park, on the rhime of East African rift valley, the actual chimpanzee trekking cost is $50 but being that the gorge is located in the park, one to see these chimpanzees, it requires one to have a valid park entry receipt of $40 per person.

Kalinzu forest is another place to see the chimps, Kalinzu is part of national forest authority its located close to queen Elizabeth park about 30Km away  near the great rift valley area ,trekking here is much more  discounted price which is at $25 /UGx 100,000. In case on treks here, one can trek the morning phrase and go for the evening boat ride in the evening.

Billy ssali