IS gorilla trekking worth the price $750 Rwanda Vs $600 Uganda

IMG_0419[1]In reality gorillas are found in Rwanda ,Uganda  and Congo but the price of seeing these gorillas have been  always increased , depending on the difficulties incurred while saving these mountain gorillas the price was increased  from $500 -$600 on uganda side while in Rwanda the price was hiked from $500-$750 recently, the price of gorilla permit seem steep but after one goes gorilla trekking in either of the above region you can feeling that  it’s worth paying because it’s obvious that a lot of work has been put in on research, protection, maintenance , as well as converting the villagers, poachers to the protection and sustainable development of the animals think who ever takes part in the conservation process to save these endangered apes deserves a thumb.

There are several groups in both volcanoes park and Bwindi impenetrable forest and it’s important to select one based on fitness. The choice is very open and all people have equal chances, no body has the right to monopolies this activity as you all pay the same amount unless one books the whole gorilla family on my recent trek our gorilla group was one of furthest ( Ssusa group)requiring 3 hours up to 3000m over muddy rocky steep incline. Half of group struggled and had to stop every 10 mins for refreshments that’s why its mandatory to have enough drinking water if you don’t have enough energy please you better to have a porter its one way to support the community. It didn’t help that during dry season rwanda gorillas move higher up to forage for food.

The one hour with gorillas in the wild was lifetime experience better to be well prepared , set your camera ready  so that the 1 hour is well utilized – you feel  very safe with the numerous park rangers watching over us and the gorillas .

Gorillas a always very  playful and Curious often watching you , some come close especially the juveniles and the babies.

The key is to stay calm, Never run, make sudden movements and follow the rangers Instructions all these precautions makes you be very perfect to have enough time and memories with these ggorillas.

It’s also great to know The porters were ex poachers given an alternative to earn a living by carrying items for the Trekkers. They are  polite, friendly and very helpful feel free to give them atip it makes them feel part of the product onwership.

For optional gorilla  trek experience ensure

Ensure decent fitness to enjoy the trek and don’t over stretch yourself , always ask a group that corresponds with your health , why go for long trek yet you have health complications? No body else know yourself more you yourself. Be friendly on the trek and cooperate with other members in the group irrespective of your nationality.

Wear proper footwear and attire – some came in party clothes and causal shoes – meaning more work for porters having to drag them over difficult terrain

Prepare for rain  better to have arain jacket with you if possible have gloves, for sting nettles,Carry sufficient water and food as you may never know what time you will be back.

Its good to Tip at the end – these folks work very very hard before during after the trek in looking out for the clients like us and the gorilla trekking totally mind-blowing experience. Yes, its 750 USD for non-Rwandan residents and $600 non ugandan but it is an exceptional experience

By Ssali Billy