Re: What did you wish you’d known before arriving in Rwanda or Uganda for your Prime African safari?

This puts in place a number circumstances and unforeseeable situations that might happen or that are needed to make your holiday pleasant in any if these destinations.

As you do your packing list, please don’t forget your yellow fever vaccination card.

  • Valid visa for, its much easier to have an east African  tourist visa that runs for 3 month at $100
  • -As long as you have an unlocked phone you can buy a local sim for $2 and then buy time – pay as you go. Its more expensive at the airport. Its advisable to buy this from local shops along the way or You can buy it anywhere. You just need to show your passport and proof of where you are staying in order to buy the sim card.-Don’t  look too much like a tourist walking around with a huge camera, a back pack etc. Look more like a local and don’t leave your handbag or cell phone lying around as strangers might go away with it, its also better to have changed money and in small bills as some local transport operators finds it hard to give change.

XXX On my recent visit to USA things that come to mind first were: I wish I’d arranged ALL my transportation needs ahead of time for 7 days vacation  with either a reputable taxi company or a tour guide. I  got stuck in a difficult situation where  I didn’t know where to go as all streets looked the same and it was very stressful. And second, I wish I’d made certain my cell phone and data service worked correctly before leaving the airport. These seem like minor logistical issues, but I discovered that confirm-ubber  taxi cub  transportation and cell phone availability is very important.

Don’t be surprised no one might  mentioned that  adapter plug are needed too  as some areas you find that they are different  Yes, some hotels and lodges will lend them to you, but it’s better to get it pre-trip, I think. Also – take me  seriously if i describe the weather. People going out on early morning  game drives the will need a rainy jacket or going for gorilla trekking

-The petrol stations have  people who will fill up your car (no self filling)  as I saw this in USA among some states  like New York and at the same time pump attendant  wash your windscreen. It is all part of the service but be mindful that compared with tourists the people are relatively not doing so well financially,so a few tip is appreciated though not mandatory .

-Wherever you park, day or night, in a supermarket, outside restaurants, in town , by the beaches, you will find young men offering to ‘mind your car’. Some are officially employed by the venue and some seem to be young unemployed just trying to earn a living. As well as giving a tip on returning to the car a please get use of them and promise to give them some thing upon your return , I promise you they will take good care of your car and belongings, please never live valuables in the car like laptops

-Here at Active African vacations have always advised our clients t keep  camera equipment, cell phones, GPS ,keep out of view and ensure you park in open places.ont leave GPs in the cars or un attended too , If possible while going away , Also keep windows shut in towns if have it out, this mostly urban areas , please avoid drawing attention to it opportunistic crimes that are on the way look at them as missed calls or ignore

-.Always drive with the car doors locked, don’t be surprised to see beggars on the streets specially in big cities like kigali and kampala which are the main capital cities  but just ignore and say “No thank you” Also baboons and  velvet monkeys  will try & get in the car in search of food so another reason to keep doors locked. This is common in national parks like Murchison falls park, Akagera national park, karuma falls on the way to Murchison falls close to Chobe lodge , in kibale forest national park, Areas of Busitema forest reserve from Malaba boarder, Be cautious at ATMS especially during night hours if you love  Jewellery I would  say leave them  at home. This way you will be much safer

By any chance try to avoid Town ships unless riley there’s something that you need there, like Kampala is crazy with its traffic jam, for those going on the western roop from Entebbe, you can take the ferry at Nakiwogo that will take you to kasenge where you will proceed to Mpigi, while those going to Murchison falls, national park, now you can take the Entebbe express high way . this will solve all your problems. And a good connectivity.

if you take these advise into your consideration, you will make your best African safari a safari of life time