“What an INCREDIBLE experience!!!” (Billy ssali) on top of Nyiragongo


IMG_0814IMG_0792There’s nothing more wonderful than spending a whole night out in the bush, where the usual parameters of space and time become almost artificial, I am extremely happy to write in this expedition trail  experiences  through Nyiragongo trekking expedition. I feel that if Steve and Eileen  were not there to back me I would not have had the opportunity of seeing such beautiful sense of nature seeing Billy on top of Nyiragongo was my life time dream, the hike is a bit challenging but its worth a penny,I would strongly advise you to take advantage of the porters and walking stick (cost only a few dollars) – who will not only carry your bag, water but also are there as a helping hand when the walk/hike gets tricky. It is best to wear long sleeves, long trousers, long socks or gators and gloves as there are fire ants, stinging nettles and mud. Any walking shoes will suffice; I just used my sneakers.It’s worth it! In total we walked for about 6-7hours to get to the top The jungle is the last part and it is thick and it was slippery with 2002 eruption Volcanic stones, but its  manageable though maximum fitness is required , this would be a perfect match to combine nyiragong and Visiting the only mountain gorillas in Virunga park as it would partly gives you an added opportunity to see both the low land and mountain gorillas in the sekwenkwe gorilla orphanage home actually this would be “Best Wildlife Experience on the Planet Earth “in my own opinion and observation I would say its bsolutely Amazing!to find your self on board on this trekking to the only remaining active volcanoes on the African soils, the terrain is a bit challenging and to Billy’s attitude because I had not done any prior to the trekking. I think to those of you who would wish to go any time , please have it in mind that hiking Nyiragongo is as hard as giving birth to a baby though the happiness only comes to you when you actually make it to the top, once one falls in love with adventure, I would say it becomes  a full time job as after one trip you feel theres anew destination on your bucket list to visit. And during this type of adventure, you may not miss the activity but you miss the memories , Nyiragongo is Amazing its one of the best treks I’ve ever done. the view is incredible. For sure I’ll never forget it, the only challenge is that you will have to cope with group. My group was comprised of mixed people some in their twenties and others in their 50s elderly people would always find it a bit challenging to hike on the same pace, wishing to have the same experience in congo while on a Congo Safari with Gorilla expeditions?

IMG_0901If you have mobility issues it would be impossible. Footing can be tricky at times thus I recommend everyone have practice bore you go. But the hike is worth the $250 permit fee the group travels at the pace of the slowest person, and there are four designated break points but  extra breaks if you need them can be accepted. Though its advisable to have packed lunch or to book the full board hiking bag organize by mikeno lodge its $80 but worth it in the bag, If you stay at Mikeno Lodge, you can ask them to provide a backpack for for you , it has to be booked the day before . They pack plenty of snacks, sandwiches, lots of waterand a large poncho, a sleeping bag, a warm t-shirt, a fleece, a baselayer,. There’s also room left to stuff an extra clothes and a few other things. You can also hire a porter to carry $20 payable in US bills dated after 2006. I was very glad I chose to hire the porter, and it provides a good income for the local people.thus allowing me to have plenty of time to take photographs and breath taking  moments, the  stand bye  chef, who takes care of you throughout the entire time you spend on the Mountain,  normally nothing  you  need to worry about as the porter will be there at an additional fee of $20 and hiking stick is at $5 of course you need to have something for the tip.life on the top of a volcanoThe lava lake itself is spectacular.

IMG_0642The shelters at the top are built in the old cabinsversion and being wooden ,They are small  with a frame platforms with mattresses. Some have missing doors.on the volcano, there a only 10 wooden cabin which have to be shared among those in the group, so its much advisable to have iPod headsets to plug into your ears since some members that , you may share the cabin with may have goodnightsnoring issues, Also the bathroom is challenging to get to. There is a rope placed down the slippery steep rock slope to assist you.so you have to hold yourself onto it down and up so if its night hours , its challenging to find your way both ways. our descending was simple a just had to be sure on my knees but I finally made it back to kibati, to have our ride back to,I would strongly recommend this adventure life time experience to every one to feel like spending  “Another Day in the African Bush“as i say bye bye to Virunga National Park, till another time!

By (ACTIVE AFRICAN VACATIONS) the leading escorted tour operator in the Eastern Africa  Uganda Rwanda and North kivu Congo DRC  .+256774819223

Car hire and guide feedback!!!!! thank you (Active African vacations.)

Hi Billy, yes
We had an excellent time in Rwanda and much of that was down to Nicholas and Active African vacations
I would give excellent feedback for Nicholas, he was thoughtful, recommending hotels and restaurants when we asked him to and tailoring these to our budget / requests. He even treated us to a brochette! Nicholas’s driving was excellent, safety and comfort was definitely his top priority but he also made good time getting us to our destination. He accommodated all our requests and had some long days working but was always pleasant and happy to do what we asked. He acted as guide and driver for one day in Akagera and was excellent at spotting the animals and was very knowledgable about both the animals and more generally while we were driving. He also stuck a great balance in terms of conversation, talking neither too much nor too little. In short, our experience of Nicholas was little short of perfect and if any of our friends or family visit Rwanda we will recommend your company and Nicholas as driver.
My only recommendation would be regarding fuel. In Europe when you hire a vehicle you hire it with a full tank and then fill it up just before returning it. This means the person hiring the car only pays for the fuel they use. Not a big deal but we returned it with prob an extra 5,000 or 10,000 francs in the tank and your international customers would probably appreciate the fuel working the way they are used to.
Please can you pass on our thanks and positive feedback to Nicholas? We parted ways fairly quickly after a long day and I don’t think we let him now how much we appreciated him.
Many thanks,


Mountain Gorillas and Local Communities Around Gorilla Destinations

Having visited gorillas and done numerous research with other gorilla agencies , I found out that gorillas are lovely creatures which share almost the high percentage of what humans poses, many just like in the beginning humans used to share the same territories or call it home steads with the gorillas in the jungle, in my own opinion, these areas are within the Virunga regions in congo this park stretches all the way to Volcanoes park and to the mgahinga national park, the Virunga park is very protected against any Intruder with fence and small sub section of the oasis sekenkwe tourist centre this place host all the administration role of the Virunga park with only a gorilla orphanage and chimp trek can as well be done from mikeno lodge , this is the only activity here where even the disabled person can do as chimps roams within the lodge and for this chimp trek $160 minus the 16% VAT. The surrounding communities around the park are mostly the former refugees from Rwanda , Ntarahamwe and the language spoken here has mixed feeling of the French , Congolese Swahili and Kinyarwanda, people here have benefited in form of Medical facilities, power extension, road I mprovement ,and communication extension due to the presence of the Mountain gorillas within the Virunga region. Protect your closest Ape today to have a beautiful living of the gorillas in their ancestral eco system We’ve all wanted to see these primates and, inevitably, at some point we’ve actually been part of primate before we evolved to where we are. So we need to protect gorillas. .
In the Volcano region , there has been a great improvement between the gorillas and the local communities who live almost in the same vicity with the gorillas, Rwanda poses many different gorilla groups which at times roam within the potato fields but because of the good relation ship that the RDB Rwanda development board put in place we find that the local instead of killing the gorillas , they chess them back to their eco system ,because these are migratory species with no limit of movement within the jungle, we find that some wild gorillas if they get mixed up with the habituated gorillas they tend to destroy people potato fields and at the end the government .since the government has paid to them back in form of improving the road network within the volcanoes region right from Ruhengeri to kinigi, except the Susa group which is in farther distance but at least power and water is in place due to the benefit from gorillas as gorilla permit fee and from my Experience i recommend 3 Days Rwanda Gorilla Safari and it can even be the same in Uganda
Within the Mgahinga region ,comprises of Mount muhavura, Mt Mgahinga, and Mount Sabinyo which all joined make up the Mgahinga national park of Uganda but all within the Virunga region which is chain of the many volcanic mountains that accommodates all the gorillas in the territory have too benefited positively though roads, clean gravity floor water , power extension, and good medical facilities to the community, all in all gorillas and communities have established a symbiotic relationship within the ecosystem, Believe me or Not, No body would have known in Uganda and in outside world sthat Bwindi exists without the presence of these great apes, the fancy lodges in place local people too smell the value of dollar which wouldn’t have been in place in other wards the drastic transformance of Bwindi people to modernity is due to gorillas presence in the region. And in return school around Nkwenda, Buhoma, Nkuringo, Rushaga,Ruhijja, and other neighbouring villages have really been so much developed .Therefore on my own opinion and observation, gorillas have linked the communities to much better way of life It isn’t that much to make sure they are properly protected.

Am sure some people would criticize Billy  but others would absolutely agree with what I write about …… It is easy to miss details about particular information online and while reading my posts travelers might be inclined to read about a particular destination before visiting it and this is exactly what they look for while doing research. In reality Most, if not all holiday makers will always appear to be perfect in their interests in order to entice possible feelings taking their loved ones on holiday. People, like me, when choosing a destination to visit online, tend to look at the official website, travel blogs, Travel reviews and also other sites where previous holiday makers can read about the pros and cons, sometimes see the pictures taken by previous visitors to the place before   deciding on the best option for me to take.

Author SSali Billy a Tour Guide at Active African Vacations

Adventure Uganda on a Safari Vacation with Gorilla Expeditions

Planning to Visit Uganda for Gorilla Safari or Wildlife Viewing ? Gorilla Expeditions team has been Viewing the Best Ways to explore Uganda on a Safari and What to See, we have written these Tips to Have a Great Safari to Uganda with the Experts in Uganda & Rwanda.
These tips are for first time travelers to Uganda. Many seem obvious, One has to do some homework if one’s trip will be one of pleasure and have less stress.
Buy a book about travel to Uganda. Read it and decide what parts of Uganda interest you and which destination you want to visit.

Get an idea of the geography of Uganda.

In Uganda, it is possible to travel every time of the year. Though there rainy season and dry seasons. The months of April, may and November are regarded as low season and other months are regarded as high season.. This is becouse of summer and winter seasons in Europe. In Uganda, in low season, they offer discounted gorilla permits at $350 and in high season the permits costs $600 USD.

The best way to travel in Uganda to different tourism destinations is by a safari van. You can book through a local tour operator to arrange for you every thing like Ground transport, Gorilla permits and hotel booking. Besides that, there are also self drive services for those with international driving permits who which to travel by them selves.

The best way to get currency in Uganda is to use an ATM machine. In Uganda there are many ATM machines especially in the city center. Be sure to contact your bank that you will be using your ATM in Uganda.

If you plan to rent a car and drive, read the Driving Guide for Foreigners. You will need an International Driving Permit. Be aware that it is almost impossible to find free parking on the street in city. Rental Cars are available at the airport and most tour companies offer such services.

Uganda is a safe country to travellers,though a visitor to Uganda should know that there is some pickpocket theft in the city and in crowded places.

At night you should not walk on a street where you are the only one. It is safe when there are many others on the street.
General safety tips for tourists
Don’t keep all your credit cards and cash in the same place. Especially when you’re walking around in unfamiliar surroundings; take only what you need for the day.

If there are two of you, divide your cash and cards when you’re out and about.

f you travel overseas more than twice a year, save with an annual travel insurance policy rather than buying for each individual trip.

Renting a car? You might collect your vehicle in a dim and dark undercover car park, without a hope of spotting unrecorded damage. As soon as you hit daylight, stop and take a walk around your vehicle and head straight back to the car hire depot if you see anything worrying.

When you check in to a hotel, reception staff will usually block an amount against your debit or credit card as a deposit, and it can be substantial. Your available credit is reduced and you might have

problems when you use your card later on. When you check in, find out how much is blocked and make sure you use the same card when you settle your bill or it might take longer to unblock the original deposit.

Finding a decent cup of coffee in an unfamiliar airport can be a challenge. If in doubt, look for where airline staff are queuing.

Don’t flop into bed as soon as you hit your hotel room. Rehydrate, eat and sleep by local time and if you arrive in the morning, take a brisk walk in the sunshine to help reset your circadian rhythms.

If you have any reason to believe that your hotel room security might not be up to scratch, hang the “Do Not Disturb” tag on the door when you leave the room.

If your hotel room isn’t up to standard, if the airline loses your bag, if a cruise operator doesn’t deliver on its promises, document their shortcomings. Take photos, get the facts in writing and take down names. If you need to seek compensation, the process will be a whole lot easier if you can back your case.

Avoid the traveller’s trots. Keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket and use it every time you sit down to eat.

If you’re looking to save money, choose your accommodation with care. An island resort or a similarly isolated location offers no possibility of dining out, and chances are the price of meals at your resort won’t be low.

If you travel with several devices that need to be recharged regularly, throw in a double adaptor as well as an adaptor plug for your destination and you have hassle-free multi charging.

Good travellers check their bags every time they’re loaded into a vehicle, at airports, hotels and railway stations. Mistakes happen and so does mischief. Don’t rely on your driver or porter to do this, lest you part company with your bags forever.
If you want to be sure of a good night’s sleep in a hotel room,check that your alarm has not been set by a previous guest checking out in the wee hours ,housekeeping don’t always reset the clock.

Kids in the Third World will often ask you for sweets or pens, but neither will make a meaningful contribution to their education or oral hygiene. If you want to help them to a better life, donate to a charity such as World Vision or better still sign up for ongoing support.

Important travel tips
Getting there
Entebbe international Airport, which lies 40km from the capital kampala, is serviced by a number of international airlines, including SN Brussels, Britain Airways, south African Airways, kenya Airways, Air Tanzania, Rwandair Express, Egypt Air and Ethiopian Airlines. Uganda can also be reached overland from Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania.
On arrival
Customs and immigration officials are polite and efficient, and a visa for those who require one can be purchased on the spot at the International Airport or at any overland border. Foreign exchange and ATM facilities are available at the airport, which is also serviced by several shops and restaurants. Most midrange to up market hotels in kampala and Entebbe will arrange airport transfers by request, as will any tour operator based in or around the capital.
A certificate of yellow fever vaccination is required. All visitors should take malaria prophylactic drugs. It is advisable to drink bottled rather than tap water.
The unit of currency is the Uganda shilling. The US dollars is traditionally the hard currency of preference, but Euro and pound sterling are also widely accepted. Hard currency cash can be changed for local currency at banks and private bureaux de change in all large towns, but travellers’ cheques are not widely accepted outside kampala. Local currency can be drawn against visa and other major credit cards at selected ATMs in kampala, at Entebbe international Airport, and in a few other large towns.
Educated Ugandans are generally fluent in English, which is the official language. Of 30 plus different indigenous languages Luganda serves as something of a lingua franca.
When to visit
Uganda can be visited at any time, though mountain hikes, gorilla tracking and other forest walks are more challenging during the rains, which generally peak over mid September to November and March to may.
What to wear
Day time temperature are generally warm to hot, so bring lots of light clothing.Evening are cooler, especially at high altitudes, so carry a couple of light sweaters too. Those who intend to hike on the mountains will be exposed to alpine temperatures and should pack accordingly. Solid walking shoes and sturdy clothing are ideal for forest walks. Don’t forget to bring a hat, sunglasses and a waterproof jacket.
What to bring
A valid passport is mandatory, and visa requirements should be checked before you travel. To make the most of the game reserves and national parks, carry binoculars and field guides. Photographers will need a zoom lens for wildlife (70-300 or similar). Print film and developing is available in kampala. Toiletries and other essentials can be bought in the cities.
Driving is on the left side. Visitors without experience of African roads are advised to organise a vehicle with a driver rather than self drive.
Tipping is not standard practice at local hotels and restaurant, but it will always be appreciated. It is normal to tip 5-10% at tourist oriented restaurants. Guides and drivers should always be tipped.
Food and drinks
Tourist oriented hotels and restaurants serve good western style meals, while a wider range of cuisines being available in the capital and some larger towns. Local restaurants serve Ugandan dishes, typically ugali (a stiff maize porridge) or matoke (cooked banana) eaten with a stew.
What to buy
A wide selection of local handcrafts are available as souvenirs. These include musical instruments,such as the hide drums made in the vicinity of mpigi,as well as excellent local basket work, paintings,batiks and pottery.

Get to know the beauty of Kidepo and Uganda through the northrn Roop


billyGet to know the beauty of Kidepo and Uganda through the Northern Loop to Kidepo on a Uganda Safari Holiday with Gorilla Expeditions that Offers Safaris to Uganda & Rwanda. From our great client !! As I rolled out of the Apoka Safari Lodge I got lost inside the Kidepo Valley National Park in northern Uganda. Well not lost but as I’m self driving myself around all of eastern and northern Uganda, while driving alone over the access road heading for the exit gate to Karenga I saw Kidepo from the front seat. Elephants and buffalo crossing the savannah off to the right as one eye focused on where the wildlife were roaming and the other on an unfinished building structure hanging off a large rock outcrop. An unfinished residency from a time gone past. On any given day driving in Uganda is an adventure. Not an adventure, an art form that reflects controlled chaos. I don’t mind navigating those tricky roundabouts in any half size town while driving British style from the the wrong side of the SUV RAV 4 but not around Kampala. I drive too chaotic on an interstate or an auto bahn, so when miles away in the outskirts of Kampala I leave the chaos to Ssali Billy from Self Drive Uganda. That’s right, for US$ 55 per day (negotiate)plus fuel you control your destiny on the roads of Uganda and if you don’t like the roundabouts in Kampala like me, Billy will catch a mutatu to or from your out of the city cool spot. He’ll get you to hotel and along the way share stories from his years of renting self drives to muzungu tourist. But Billy can as well make your way along the Karamoja Trail.

While on vacation to un familiar destinations in Africa especially in Rwanda and Uganda , usually you need a tour guide when we visiting unfamiliar places, such as a new country, region, or state. Driving on foreign roads, with the help of GPS and trying to find good local attractions can be a challenge. Figuring out where to go takes time and effort, at the same time taking pictures may make a problem and you still can’t really know what a place is actually like until you’ve been there at least once. That’s where a local tour guide’s knowledge can come in handy.thats why its better to have an experience with the Local guide.
Knowing local “a great experienced local guide to take you through and off-the-beaten-path roads is a tour guide’s specialty and intelligence . With a professional tour guide, you don’t have to research or plan out the specific details of your trip: simply tell your guide about the kinds of places you are interested in,accommodation category and the vehicle type and let their experience lead the way a guide is your Gps in any foreign destination A true country of contrasts, on your travels you are as likely to chance upon sumptuous legendary places and many interesting feature .

What is the difference between Uganda and Rwanda tours for gorillas?

The difference between uganda and Rwanda is that in Uganda the price of a gorilla permit is $600 while in Rwanda its $750.
Another difference is that, in Rwanda you’re able to go on short gorilla trek for 1 day or 2 days and you’re back given the driving distance Between Kigali and Volcanoes park is 110 Km which can be covered within 2hours drive while in Uganda, From Entebbe airport to Bwindi impenetrable forest, its about 520Km thus making gorilla trekking in Uganda to take 3 days, due to the long distance.
So if you have 1 or 2 days, i would suggest that Rwanda would be the best option.

for one day Rwanda gorilla trek, you will be required to spend anight in Kigali so that the day of gorilla trekking, we are able to pick you up from your place of stay/ Hotel as early as 4:30 so that by 7:Am , we are at Kinigiui/volcanoes park for brieffing and to go for the trek. expoect the trek to take 3-4 Hours and by 3-4Pm you’re back to hit the road back to Kigali. if you choose a one day trek, the price will Be $1420. all inclussive. like gorilla permit, ground transport and services of an English speaking driver Guide.

While the 2 days safari , this will involve much more activities like kigali city tour and visiting some of the genocide memorial sites and other site seing places either on the first day before proceeding to Volcanoes park or at the End after the gorilla trek.
this would also involve spending one night in Ruhengeri either in Budget accomodation/ Midrange or Luxury accomodation.

In Rwanda side we have the shortest Gorilla Safari Package as 1 Day Rwanda Gorilla Safari, to explore the Beauty of the Rwandan Mountain Gorillas in volcanoes National Park where Mountain Gorillas live , Enjoy the Wild Mountain Gorillas on the Gorilla Safari Holiday.